
UltraBlack SS Grease

August 8, 2023

To Sales Department:

I have used your UltraBlack SS Grease on many applications at various times and found it to perform very well.

Recently one of my sons called and asked if I still had the old boat trailer buried in the back 40.  Of course, we only use the newer one.  He proceeded to ask if I would tow it out to him over the 4th of July weekend when I come over.  Sounds easy enough, it is only 345 miles across Michigan from my house to his.  A few days later I took all the branches and junk off to see what I had to do.  I needed to slide it out to look.  I say slide because the wheels weren’t turning. Not having used it for a few years I decided to pull the wheels and check the bearings.  Well rusted and frozen they were.  Now it is a major decision time. I knew from what my son said the boat was going to be cleaned and put in the water for the summer. In the winter just block it up with a shrink wrap cover till next year.  The trailer would never be used again.  Can I make it if I don’t buy new bearings?  I decided to clean them up and see what would happen.  I took them off the axle, soaked them in paint thinner and hit them with a product called Blast (a rust penetrant) until they ran somewhat free.  I then sanded the races cleaned them, boy were they pitted and the packed them with your UltraBlack SS grease.  Seemed to work like a charm, not let’s see what will happen under load.  I ran between 70 and 74 mph and got out and checked every time I stopped.  They were warm in the beginning but the longer they ran the cooler they got.  Long story short I made it.  Had a problem backing the trailer where my son wanted it, so he disconnected and walked it back.  Again, turned free enough that was no problem either.  I will recommend your UltraBlack SS grease for all bearing uses.
