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Improved Performance of HVAC System

UltraBlue ICE
September 17, 2016

Just installed the ICE into my 1999 GMC Jimmy prior to installing the air temp coming from the center A/C vents was 51ºF, after installing the ICE the temp change was incredible it dropped below 38ºF and we needed to turn down the blower speed to keep from freezing. I tried to monitor the compressor temperature but was difficult due to the engine fan blowing hot air in the way on the infra-red temperature monitor, but it did look as if we had a 10º drop in the operation of the compressor also the high side pressure was reduced from 160 psi to 150 psi. The outside temperature and humidity was 93ºF/89%. I would believe the results speak for themselves as the product does have a positive effect on the overall performance of the HVAC system and would highly recommend it.